I wasn’t sure if I would actually ever publish this post. I initially wrote this almost a year ago, five months after I ended my relationship with my ex. And in those first few months post-breakup, I discovered a lot of things that I wish I would have known sooner.

And after a lot of thought, I decided that I wanted to share my experience. If you’ve followed my blog for awhile you know I’ve always said that I would not only share the pretty parts of life, but also the messy, and sometimes complicated. My goal has always been to have this be a safe space, especially for women. And I want to keep the conversations going on topics that we don’t always openly discuss. I hope that by me sharing my experience, someone else reading this can relate. And also be reminded that you are NEVER alone, no matter what you’re going through or have been through in the past.

As many of you know, I was dating my ex at the start of the pandemic up until May of 2021. And although I spent a collective of 8 years (on and off starting in my 20s) with this man, it wasn’t until I ended things that I realized he’s a Narcissist. And I don’t use this term lightly. I have done my due diligence of learning what a Narcissist really is. And honestly, it’s something I still struggle to wrap my mind around.





  1. a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves.

How I realized my ex was a Narcissist:

A few months after we broke up, I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across a graphic that had listed out characteristics of a Narcissist. I remember just sitting there stunned because it all just started to click in my mind. I ugly cried reading it over and over again. It made complete sense to me however, I couldn’t understand how I didn’t realize it at the time of the realtionship.

I saw the red flags over and over again. The constant need to keep his phone in close proximity. Always telling me I was “needy” yet he would never demonstrate undivided attention. Constantly questioning my commitment level in the relationship. Keeping his friends private but always making himself known to mine. Buying gifts and paying for things to receive praise and showcase his ego. Withholding Sex. Always promising future plans. Blaming others for his bad behavior. Showcasing an egotistical attitude. Verbally getting into arguments with co-workers and superiors. Lying and exaggerating the truth. The list goes on and on.

Red flags of dating a narcissist 🚩 

🚩 Love bombs and speaks of future plans early on in the relationship.

🚩 Always seeking validation from others.

🚩 Says or does things that are hurtful to you, but says “you’re overreacting” anytime it happens.

🚩 Constantly draws a line in the sand when it comes to big decisions in the relationship (ie; marriage, having kids, living arrangements, etc.) Making you feel like you have to give up everything in order to make it work.

🚩 Showers you with gifts as a distraction to keep you thinking they actually care and are being thoughtful.

🚩 Calling you “needy” when all you’re asking for is the bare minimum when it comes to showing affection and giving undivided attention.

🚩 Withholds Sex

🚩 Often shows jealousy towards other male friends or ex’s to create his dominance in your life.

🚩 Lack of empathy towards others.

🚩 Constantly viewing others as a threat to them.

🚩 Often cheats in the relationship to obtain new supply.

🚩 The need to keep their social media private. Never taking photos together. Saying they don’t need to publicize everything. But they post selfies and anything else they choose. Always eager to be visible on your social media (for attention).

🚩 Irresponsible when it comes to finances and spending money on material things.

🚩 Typically has strained relationships with friends/family.

🚩 Never accepts fault for any wrong doings.

🚩 Makes you feel crazy for pointing out any bad behavior, even when you show proof.

🚩 Usually prays on empaths.

The aftermath and healing process:

I initially felt angry at myself for not seeing it from the beginning. I just always thought he was charismatic. But what I didn’t realize is that his charm played an important role in his manipulation. That’s how narcissists suck you in. Everything feels amazing in the beginning. Almost euphoric. Like you’re on a high of emotions. It’s mesmerizing at first being with someone who shows you affection, tends to your needs and throws shiny gifts at you to keep you wanting more. 

Looking back now, it seems so obvious. And I’m sure if you’re reading this…’re yelling out like WTF?! How did you NOT see that he was a narcissist?! The truth is, when you’re in a relationship and you’re in love with someone, you don’t always see the bigger picture. You see things in small snippets. And you only know what you know at the time of each snippet playing out in front of you. And one thing to know about narcissists, is that they are REALLY good at explaining themselves in situations. And they are even better at convincing you that what you think you’re seeing, isn’t actually the truth. They lie so well that sometimes you even start to talk yourself out of your initial thoughts and feelings. The way they can manipulate is actually pretty impressive.

When you date a narcissist and the relationship ends, you often are left with a lot of unanswered questions. And closure is something you likely will not be given, but have to rather find on your own. I’ve had to accept that I will never get back the time wasted or effort spent on this relationship. As well as accepting that what was real for me, was not real for him but rather just another supply to feed his ego.

One thing you also have to come to terms with, is the emotional abuse that takes place in dealing with a narcissist. Typically when I think of abuse, I think of some sort of physical abuse. However, emotional abuse can be just as traumatic and triggering.

I have spent a lot of time unlearning what was and accepting what is. I still carry a lot of guilt and shame for allowing myself to be in a toxic relationship like this. I like to think that I have done the work in trying to heal but I know it takes time. I have seen the damage it has done first hand especially as I try to get back out there and date again. It is a constant trigger and something that I have to work on going forward. But what I now know to be red flags, will hopefully prevent me from future toxic relationships.

And while I can’t speak for all relationships, this is my personal experience. My hope is that someone reading this who may be dealing with their own narcissist can see the red flags and can end the relationship sooner than later. I think we can encounter narcissists in our lives in many forms, whether it be in our careers, our relationships or even friendships. Knowledge is power.


Dana Rae



Gift giving season is upon us! And this year, I really want to shop from more small businesses for gifts. So I thought I would round up some of my favorite small businesses to shop from. Also, a reminder that Small Business Saturday is on 11/27. Many of these businesses will likely have SALES and offer additional discounts for Black Friday/Cyber Week. Make sure to check out their website (linked below) to see full SALE details.

  1. Chez Gagne

    Greeting cards, Wine Tags, Drinkware & more. The best gifts for those who appreciate witty humor.

  2. Bedwine by SassyConfetti

    Created by fellow blogger @SassyConfetti. Bedwine offers Colorful Wine themed gifts that any wine lover will CHEERS to!

  3. Uncommon James

    Created by Kristin Cavallari. Unique jewelry collections that will compliment anyone’s style. Shop online or in-store. Locations: Nashville, Chicago or Dallas.

  4. Estelle Colored Glass

    The most stunning hand-blown glassware. Perfect for the cocktail lover or wine aficionado in your life.

  5. SLY Beauty

    Beauty Cosmetic bags that are not only functional but beautiful.

  6. Beth Ladd Collections

    Give a little sparkle this season with these stunning handmade champagne bottle earrings! Available in several colors.

  7. Top Tote by Lindsay Albanese

    Must have travel accessory for the hat loving Jetsetter.

  8. Graze Atlanta

    Based in Atlanta, Ga. Graze offers pre-assembled Charcuterie boards & grazing boxes. You can also place custom orders for parties or special events.

  9. The Koop New York

    Luxe hand poured soy candles. Based in Brooklyn, NY and black-owned.

  10. New York or Nowhere

    Curated lifestyle collections celebrating New York City. Perfect for the New Yorker in your life.

I hope you’ll consider supporting these Small Businesses this Holiday Season. And if you have any others that you would like to share, comment below with their business name. #ShopSmall

XO, Dana Rae



If you’re reading this and going through a break up or have recently been through one, I’m so sorry!! I hope you know that you are NOT alone. And we’ve all been there before. Breakups are never easy, no matter what age you are or how long the relationship lasted. But the truth is, relationships end for all sorts of reasons. Maybe you grew apart? Maybe there was cheating involved? Maybe you felt like you were settling? Maybe you realized you both wanted different things out of life? Or maybe this particular person, was only supposed to be in your life for a season and not a lifetime.

No matter the reason for the breakup, it’s still important to grieve the relationship in order to heal and move on. Here are a few things I’ve found to be helpful for me, after my recent breakup.


Although it can be hard to end all contact right away, nothing good can come from going back and forth with each other. It will only make it more difficult to move on from the relationship. So delete the contact and block him/her from your social media. Otherwise the temptation will always be there. And you’ll be more enticed to reach out when you’re having a moment of weakness or loneliness. The sooner you remove your ex from your life, the sooner you can start to move on.


From the time you wake up until the time you go to bed, find ways to change your daily habits. The first few days/weeks are always the hardest because everything tends to remind you of that person. But if you incorporate new habits to replace the old ones, it can make the days a little easier to get through. Make sure to fill your schedule with work, dinner dates with friends, new activities, house chores or anything that will keep you distracted for the time being. This way you won’t have as much time to notice the absence of your ex or the routine that you used to share together.


Even if you’re anxious to just move on from the relationship and leave it in the past. You still need to process things in order to fully heal from it. And the process may look different for everyone. Whether it’s getting rid of physical items that remind you of that person, deleting photos from your phone, cleansing your personal space, crying it out or writing a goodbye letter. Do whatever helps you to grieve what was and accept what is. Even if it feels heavy, allow yourself to go through the emotions. You can’t skip over the pain to get to the other side, you have to go through it first.


Going through a breakup can be lonely. So it’s important to have at least one friend who you can confide in without feeling judged. Sometimes we don’t want to burden our friends with our breakup drama. However, having someone you can call when you’re having a rough day or need to talk things through is crucial in the healing process. And if they are truly your friend(s), they will be more than willing to be there for you during this difficult time. But also, be honest in what you need from them. If you just need to vent, let them know that. Or if you want advice, ask ahead of time. This will help your friends to know how to best support you.


Now that you’ve grieved and gone through the emotions, it’s time to get back to you. So if that means booking a weekend trip, redecorating your home, working out or going to yoga, practicing self-care, cooking/baking, or making plans with friends….DO IT! Because once you start to take care of yourself and focus on what makes you happy, you will start to feel better each day. It can be easy to loose ourselves when we are in a relationship. So allow yourself to enjoy that freedom again and fulfill your needs.

What steps did you take in order to heal from a breakup? What did you find to help you the most during the process? Let’s start the conversation in the comments below.



My NYC Bucket list (before I moved)

Before I left New York City and started a new chapter in Atlanta, I had a few things on my #NYCBucketList. Some are things that I hadn’t had the opportunity to do in the city, and others are places I wanted to revisit one last time. But mostly my list included making a final lap around Manhattan to soak up as many New York moments as I could. Obviously with the current circumstances due to covid, I had to keep in mind what’s actually open and accessible. But I’m happy with what I was able to see/do and have those memories added to so many more over the past 6 years.

Everything I did before I moved:

  • Make a final loop around Central Park (86th street down to the South entrance near The Plaza Hotel)

  • Visit Bryant Park

  • Have cocktails at Dante

  • Grab coffee at my favorite coffee shops (Bluestone Lane, Irving Farm)

  • Walk around the West Village

  • Visit Levain Bakery for one last chocolate chip cookie

  • Enjoy a day in Central Park

  • See a Flower Flash in person

  • Walk around the Upper Westside (my favorite neighborhood)

  • Take a photo in front of Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment

  • Buy some NYC street art to take with me to hang up in my new apartment

  • Walk around Little Italy & have dinner at random restaurant (Eat pasta & drink wine)

  • Visit Madison Square Park

  • Grab one last NYC slice of pizza from Bleecker Street Pizza

  • Walk through Times Square and sit on the Red Steps

  • Visit Bite Beaty Lip Lab in SoHo (create custom lipstick)

  • Go Apple Picking

  • Host a final dinner with friends

  • Watch the sunset from a rooftop

  • Take a weekend trip Upstate with friends

  • Dine al fresco a few favorite restaurants * Boqueria, Dante, Boucherie

  • Walk the Brooklyn Bridge at Sunrise

    **(Unfortunately, I ran out of time and didn’t get to do this) But I have walked the Brooklyn Bridge many times, including sunset. So I’m holding onto those memories for now.)

And on one of my very last night’s in the city I was surprised by friends with a Farewell Dinner Party. We drank lots of champagne, consumed copious amounts of charcuterie and I cried lots of tears!! It was the best night and possibly the best way to end my New York City chapter.

See photos below of all my last moments in the city

It was definitely bittersweet to leave this incredible city behind. But when I look back, I will have such fond memories of every place I went, every person I came into contact with, every restaurant I sat with friends at, every New York moment I was so fortunate to experience. The memories are what I will take with me and forever carry with me throughout my lifetime. Thank you for letting me share these past 6 years with you in New York. I can’t wait to share more, in the next chapter!

XO, Dana Rae



This is difficult to write for many reasons. So much has changed and happened this year. And well, sometimes you have to close one chapter in order to welcome a new one.

It’s bittersweet to announce; I am leaving New York City and moving to Atlanta, Ga.

(it’s hard to even type those words out)

This hasn’t been an easy decision to make, especially during a pandemic. At first, it was really hard to come to grips with the fact that my last year living in NYC was mostly taken over by Covid-19. Being quarantined for months, and not being able to experience the city to it’s fullest is not how I imagined my last year here. But I realized that I’ve had an incredible 6 years here and I’ve been very lucky to call this city home. 

For those of you who may not know, I actually moved to New York City from Atlanta. I never saw myself living in New York until I visited a few times in my early 30s, and gradually fell in love with the city. As a bonus, my best friend was already living here and had been trying to convince me for years, to move to New York. In late 2014, I finally took the leap and made the moved here. At the time I was ready for a change, and New York seemed like the perfect place to experience big changes. You can read more here on my move to New York and my first year living in the city.

Initially, I moved with the intention of living in New York for a year to see how I would like living here. But one year turned into two, which turned into three, and then four and here I am, almost six years later. I never really thought twice about leaving, until this year. I think for many of us, 2020 has changed us and made us re-evaluate certain things in our lives. Especially living in New York City during COVID-19, it has been difficult and makes me wonder what the future holds for the city.

I absolutely love living in Manhattan and enjoy the city lifestyle. But I’ve come to realize that the older I get, the more I crave having a home, being closer to friends and family and maybe settling down one day. Living in New York City has provided me with so many amazing experiences and given me a new outlook on life in general. It helped make me into the person that I am today. And the more I think about it, New York City ultimately gave me everything I never even knew I needed, in a time when I needed it most. I have no regrets about picking up my life and moving here. It still remains to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.

But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Although this chapter of my life is coming to a close, I am excited for a new chapter to begin. And Atlanta is the next best place for me to do that.

With all that being said, I thought I would go ahead and answer a few questions that I’ve been asked so far from friends and family. Hopefully this helps to give more insight into my move.


For several reasons actually. I’ve aways planned to move back. I just didn’t know when that time would be exactly. I still have 75% of all my belongings in a storage unit there. I didn’t know how long I would be in NYC, so initially I placed everything in storage and have kept it there this entire time. Also, moving back down South puts me closer to my family. I have family in Florida, Alabama and Tennessee, so it will be nice to be within driving distance of them. And several of my closest girlfriends all live in ATL, so I’m really excited to be able to see them more often. Atlanta is also somewhere I see myself living a city lifestyle but also having the ability to slow down when needed.


My lease ends October 1st, so I’ll most likely move the last week of September. I don’t have a firm date as of now, since I’m still finalizing plans.


I will still continue writing for my blog and sharing everyday life on Instagram. One of the reasons I named my blog Reinventing Rae, is because I wanted to share and document how we are constantly reinventing ourselves in life. Whether it be in our friendships, careers, relationships, or just our everyday personal lives. I hope to continue to share my life and expand content in new ways. I’ll still be sharing city life in Atlanta, in addition to beauty and lifestyle. Atlanta has grown so much over the past few years! And I’m excited to get to explore it all while sharing it with y’all. I also plan to create NEW content related to Entertaining and Home Decor, now that I’ll have a place of my own again. So needless to say, the blog isn’t going anywhere anytime soon!


Most of you know that I share an apartment with my best friend, Billy and his now husband Danny. They will continue to live in the city. W'e’ve had a great run all living together. I’ve known Will for over 15 years, and Danny for 7 years. We're more like family than friends. I’m definitely gonna miss them & having our family dinner nights along with all the laughs we’ve shared through the years.


1000% YES!! I intend to visit as often as I possibly can. But obviously with current circumstances with Covid-19, I don’t know exactly when I’ll be back to the city. I’m hoping maybe sometime early next year or in the Spring. But for now, I definitely want to visit New York at least once a year.

Over the next month and a half, I’ll be sharing more of the moving process with y’all. I’ve actually already started packing. And next week, I’ll be traveling to Atlanta to look at apartments and finalize everything.

Although I’m sad to leave New York, I’m really excited for what’s to come. And I can’t wait to take y’all along for the journey.

XO, Dana Rae



New York feels like a rush of all of your senses at once. It’s can be overwhelming and invigorating at the same damn time. If you’ve ever been to New York or lived here, then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Most of the reasons I love living in the city are the exact reasons many people despise it. And I’ve come to accept that. I always tell people, New York isn’t for everyone and that’s OKAY. But for those of us who call New York home, it’s everything we LOVE and CRAVE.

Living in New York City during the Covid-19 pandemic has been something that I never could have imagined. And watching the city shutter has been heartbreaking, yet eye opening. A city like New York doesn’t often get shaken, but this pandemic has certainly taken it’s toll. I know the past few months have been difficult for all of us, no matter where you live. But life as we know it in New York may never be the same. And that’s a hard reality to face if you live here.

I’ve been trying to put my thoughts and feelings into words in order to best describe the past few months. And to explain why it’s so different in New York vs other cities. There is no doubt, that the whole country has been affected by this pandemic. But I think most New Yorkers would agree, that it feels a bit heavier here.

I’ve witnessed and heard of so many people deciding to leave the city after experiencing this pandemic. And I definitely understand why. Many New Yorkers don’t have the small luxuries that others do. We depend on laundromats, corner stores, public transportation and being able to roam free throughout the city 24/7. We often don’t have the space to give ourselves, much less a stranger to be 6 ft. away. Living here consists of constant contact with others whether it be on the Subway, a crowded street, a busy Starbucks, a Broadway theater, a favorite watering hole or simply standing online.

Our playground IS Manhattan. So when it’s unaccessible, it makes life a little harder. New Yorkers are so used to having the city at their disposal. And now we’ve had to shelter in place inside our small apartments for months. Which many of us live with roommates. And our only outdoor space consists of a fire escape or makeshift rooftop.

I myself, have questioned if I want to stay or leave. It’s hard to imagine what life in the city will look like moving forward. Especially since we’ve barely begun reopening the city, as of now. But I also know that this city is as resilient as they come. And with time, New York will once again be filled with crowded streets, honking horns, people rushing around and that electric energy we all love so much.

dear New York I miss you

When I look back, I want to remember:

Happy hours on our rooftop

Cheering for the frontline workers at 7pm

Baking with my best friend

Finding joy in cooking again

Sharing daily meals w/ my roommates

Slow mornings & fresh coffee

Rooftop Workouts

Dance parties in our living room

Late night runs to the Bodega for ice cream

FaceTime calls with long distance friends

Afternoons spent at the park

Zoom Happy Hours

…and all the other little things that made this difficult time a little more bearable.

I’m sure that this experience will always stand out over the years in my lifetime. And I want to always remember the good with the bad. Maybe this time will serve as a bigger purpose for us all. A time where we reflected more, had more time to do the things we loved, connected more with friends and family and allowed ourselves to slow down a bit.

What do you want to remember from this time? How have the past few months changed your outlook on life?

XO, Dana Rae


Mother's Day gift guide 2020

Mother’s Day is coming up and although we may celebrating a little differently this year, Mom still deserves to be showered with LOVE and GIFTS. And being that you most likely will have to ship presents to her, I rounded up some gift ideas any Mom will be sure to LOVE. I chose a variety of items for whether it’s your own Mother, your Best Friend, Sister or a New Mom to be that you’ll be buying for this year. Happy Shopping!

All items are linked! Click the SHOP button and it will direct you to the site of that item.

Martha Stewart Cast Iron / Mothers Day Gifts

Martha Stewart Dutch Oven 6-Qt.

For the Mom who loves to cook. Currently ON SALE for under $75!

Crate and Barrel Wine Glasses / Mother's Day Gifts

Crate and Barrel Edge Square Wine Glasses

Every Mom deserves a set of chic wine glasses to drink from.



For the Mom on the go, who likes to keep her Coffee, La Croix or Wine cold.

Mommy Bar Necklace Uncommon James

Uncommon James Mommy Bar Necklace

Perfect piece of jewelry for the Momma to be.



These earrings would be the perfect gift to say I LOVE YOU, MOM!



A self care beauty treatment any Mom would appreciate.

Sly Beauty Cosmetic Bag


This cosmetic bag is great for Moms to store their beauty products or use as a makeup bag. Currently ON SALE for under $20!

Drybar Double Shot Dryer Brush

Drybar Double Shot Dryer Brush

For the Mom who loves blowouts. Now she can achieve this salon look at home. Currently ON SALE FOR 15% OFF!



Give Mom the gift of a signature scent. Under $50!

Chatbooks Custom Photo Book

Chatbooks Custom Photo Book

Personalized photo book that will be a keepsake for years to come.

Made for Motherhood Tank / Mother's Day Gift

Made For Motherhood Tank

For the Mom who loves to keep it cute & casual. Under $25!

Mark And Graham Small Travel Jewelry Case

MARK & GRAHAM Travel Jewelry Case

Perfect for travel or storing baubles. Comes in several colors & can be monogrammed with initials.

MothersDayGiftSet Chez Gagne

Wine Glass & Coffee Mug Gift Set

For the Mom who loves a good pun. You can choose from 3 different sayings for each item.



A fun gift that would look great on any doorstep. Under $15!

I hope these gift ideas are helpful. And to all the Mommas out there, HAPPY MOTHER’s DAY! 💕

XO, Dana Rae



Happy Friday!! After doing a poll on Instagram stories the other day, several of you said that you were interested in the SEPHORA SALE that is currently going on until 4/27. So I thought I would do a round up and share my SALE picks in case you may be looking for some new things to try.

And if you’re not able to shop the sale at this time, feel free to use this post as a reference to shop from at a later date.

Use promo code: SPRINGSAVE for 10% OFF at checkout.

*Promo code is UNLIMITED, meaning you can use it for multiple online orders*

All products are shopable by clicking on the links below!


NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer - I love the coverage that this concealer gives and that it’s also buildable. It hides dark circles well and applies well on top of foundation or CC cream. I usually apply it and then set it with setting powder and it typically lasts throughout the day. I use the shade: CANELLE

IT Cosmetics CC+ Cream w/ SPF 50- I’m not big on foundation so this has been my all time favorite product that I use daily. It gives you medium coverage almost like foundation without the heavy cakey feel. It gives you a natural looking glow + evens out your skin tone + has SPF 50. I wear the shade: LIGHT

Tarte Double Take Eyeliner- I've been using this eyeliner for a few years now. The great thing about this eyeliner is that it's double ended, giving you a pencil and liquid all-in-one. It goes on smooth and easy to apply. And the pencil usually lasts a good bit of time.

Tarte Toasted Eye Palette - My favorite eyeshadow palette! The colors are warm, super pigmented and long lasting. I love the color combinations within the palette and the shades are perfect for everyday or more glam evening looks.

NARS Powermatte Lip Pigment - NARS makes some of the best lip products, in my opinion! I’m never disappointed by their color options and the powermattes are hydrating and long lasting.

FRESH Lip Balm Treatment - A friend gifted me this lip balm and I LOVE it! I usually apply it after I use a lip scrub. It’s super hydrating and can be used as a lip treatment or everyday lip balm.


Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream - Love applying this body cream right out of the shower. It helps tighten and smooth your skin. Ideal for applying on your bum and back of legs. Although it smells so amazing, you’ll want to apply it everywhere! Promise you’ll feel like you just stepped into a tropical getaway.

Drunk Elephant Polypeptide Moisturizer - After receiving a travel size of this and using it for a few weeks, I finally understood the hype of Drunk Elephant products. My skin instantly feels hydrated and plump after application. Highly recommend if you’re looking for a new moisturizer to try. Pricey but a little goes a long way.

IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Under Eye Cream - This is an eye cream I always find myself coming back to after trying other ones. It’s lightweight and goes on well underneath makeup. I usually see a difference immediately in reduced puffiness of my under eye.

Sunday Riley Good Genes - I was afraid at first of using a lactic acid on my face but this product has changed my mind! It helps improve the texture of your skin and overall appearance (helps reduce redness, dark spots, pores and even out complexion). Sunday Riley are a little expensive but they’re sooo good and effective with results.

St. Tropez Tinted Body Lotion - My go-to gradual tanning lotion when I need a quick glow. You can see a difference in color immediately upon application + color builds over 48 hours. Love using this for my legs if I’m wearing a dress and want some added color.

Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Oil - If you buy ONE thing from the Sale, buy this! It’s a facial oil you apply at nighttime and leave on. You wake up to hydrated glow skin. I can’t say what or how it works, I just know my skin feels and looks amazing afterwards. It’s a splurge but you the bottle lasts awhile as you only need a few drops each application.

GLAMGLOW Charcoal Clearing Mask - This is a great exfoliating charcoal mask if you have combination or oily prone skin. I use this about 1x a week to help get rid of any buildup on my skin from makeup and tackle any problem areas or breakouts.


Living Proof Color Care Whipped Glaze - If you have blonde hair or highlights- this is a game changer to help keep your color vibrant. As a red head with highlights, my hair tends to fade quicker and this helps remove brassiness and extend my color in between salon visits.

OUAI Hair Oil - Anytime my hair feels dry or frizzy, I’ll apply a few drops of this hair oil to the ends. I’ve also recently starting using it as an overnight hair mask

Drybar Triple Sec 3-in-1 Finishing Spray - One of my favorite texturizing sprays. Also helps give volume and refresh your hair throughout the day. Great for using on second day hair also.

NEW TO ME PRODUCTS (in my cart)

Charlotte Tilbury Highlighter Wand // Drunk Elephant Bronzing Drops // SUPERGOOP! Glowscreen Sunscreen SPF 40 // Laura Mercier Blurring Primer // Summer Fridays Overtime Mask

What are your favorites to stock up on during the SEPHORA SALE?! Any new products that you’re excited to try?

XO, Dana Rae


Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative

Since many of us are staying at home for the foreseeable future, I know we can find ourselves caught between trying to be productive but also at a loss of what to do during this uncertain time. I think now more than ever, it’s important to fill our days with activities that can make us feel productive yet happy. This new normal is hard for all of us. And honestly, some days are easier than others. I know for me personally, incorporating more self care has helped ease my anxiety and made me feel better.

And since I know we’re all looking for ways to fill our time. I thought I would share a list of things you can do while being at home. I hope you find this to be helpful. And feel free to share with friends or loved ones also needing ideas.


  1. Organize your makeup/skincare products. And throw out any old or expired items. Here are a few organizers from Amazon: here, here and here.

  2. Give yourself a manicure. Check out Paintbox Nails Instagram for some design inspo.

  3. Listen to a new podcast. Here are a few of my favorites.

  4. Learn a NEW skill. Brit + Co is offering FREE courses with PROMO CODE: SELFCARE through 4/09.

  5. Organize and print photos from your phone using Chatbooks.

  6. Host a virtual Happy Hour with Friends using Zoom, FaceTime or Google Chat.

  7. Go through old cookbooks to find a new recipe to try. Or search Pinterest for some recipe ideas.

  8. Send handwritten cards to family and long-distance friends.

  9. Try an at home facial. One of my favorite bloggers, Courtney Kerr recently posted a video on how to accomplish this at home spa treatment.

  10. Unsubscribe from all of those unwanted emails. Here is a service you can use for FREE to help manage your inbox.

  11. Listen your favorite audiobooks on Audible. If you have Amazon Prime, you can try Audible FREE for 30 days.

  12. Bake up a new cookie recipe. MILK BAR founder, Christina Tosi is posting recipes and tutorials of their most popular cookies on their Instagram account.

  13. Try a new workout. A few classes you can try at home and stream online; Rumble Boxing, Tone It Up, CorePower Yoga and 305 Fitness.

  14. Perfect your skincare routine and use all of your face masks you’ve been compiling.

  15. Pour a glass of wine and light your favorite scented candle for a moment to yourself.

What have you been doing to keep yourself occupied during this time? Have you tried any of the above yet?!

XO, Dana Rae


Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative

Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative

Since moving to New York 5+ years ago, dating hasn’t been a huge priority for me. Being in a long term relationship in my 20s consumed me and I found that I had lost myself in the process. I was so wrapped up in my end goal of getting married and having babies, that I didn’t even see a life outside of that scenario. So when I decided to move to NYC, I wanted to focus more on myself and what made me happy outside of being in a relationship.

Being SINGLE has actually been freeing for me. It’s made me more aware of myself and realize what I really am looking for in a partner rather than what I once was willing to settle for. But as much as I enjoy being Single, I do ultimately want to find someone to share my life with. The hard part is meeting good quality guys. Dating nowadays is so much different than it was say 10 years ago. I mean, where do you meet guys without having to swipe right or spend your weekends at the bars?!

Which leads me to my recent adventure of, SPEED DATING.

A friend of mine had brought up the idea of going speed dating in casual conversation and I’m pretty sure my intial response was something like “sure”. But after she approached me again about it I figured, what the hell? After all, I’m not meeting any men at my local Trader Joes.

Ater a week of back and forth, we decided on a date and time to try a local speed dating event in the city hosted by NY MINUTE DATING. This particular event was geared toward 30s and 40s professionals and would take place on a Friday night from 7-9pm.


Cost: $35 paid online prior to event

Location: Local Hotel Bar in the city (varies depending on event type)

Duration: 2 hours total including a 10 minute break. Each date is timed for 5 minutes.

When we arrived, we were immediately greeted by two women from NY MINUTE DATING hosting the event. We were then asked to write our names onto name tags and given a ‘MATCH CARD’ to fill out with the names of each date and circle the names of the guys we were interested in being matched with.

Seating was arranged where ladies were given the chance to choose a table of their liking and remain seated during the entire event. The guys are instructed to switch to the table to their RIGHT every 5 minutes after each date.

Since it was located at a bar, alcohol was available for purchase. Although in my opinion, it would have been nice if they had included 1-2 drinks within the price of the event.

NY Speed Dating

Since my friend and I arrived a few minutes early to the event, we grabbed a drink at the bar and then decided to sit next to each other at two of the high top tables. As more women started to arrive, we noticed that majority of them also brought a friend.

After waiting a few minutes, the men started arriving. And shortly after, the hosts made an announcement to begin the speed dating.

Surprisingly I didn’t feel that nervous, and as each guy moved over to my table next, I felt more and more comfortable. There ended up being 13 dates total. Each one lasting 5 minutes, giving time for only basic questions like; “Where do you live?”, “What do you do for work?”, “What do you like to do for fun?” etc.

As we approached the 1/2 way mark, a guy who immediately caught my attention sat down and started talking, only to be interrupted by the hosts calling out a 10 minute break. As most of the other guys opted to get up and take a bathroom break or grab another drink at the bar, he chose to continue to sit with me. As we sat there and talked for a few minutes, he then all of a sudden got up and said he would be right back. Leaving his empty beer bottle on the table, I thought maybe he needed to grab another one from the bar. But after 2 or 3 minutes, the host came over to me and said “I’m sorry, your date had an emergency.” I immediately thought to myself, “WOW, he actually used that excuse?!” So there I sat, alone for the next few minutes sipping my vodka and texting my friends what happened to have a laugh.

By the end of the last date, I was happy that I had put myself out there. And even though I didn’t feel enough of a connection with any of the guys for a second date, I would still do it again. I mean, where else can you go on 13 dates in one night? Typically that would take a few weeks to accomplish. So not only did I save myself from wasting several nights out, but I also only had to get dressed and put makeup on once. WIN WIN, right?!

So if you’re looking to get back into the dating scene, I highly recommend speed dating. You never know, you may just meet your match.

Have you ever been speed dating before?! If yes, what was your experience like?

XO, Dana Rae