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Finally, I had some time this evening to sit down and blog. Life has been non-stop with the holidays, traveling and working from home. But I could not let the year come to an end without reflecting back and sharing one last blog entry with you all before we embark on 2016!

This year by far has been one to remember. So many changes & so many things that all fell into perfect place.

I settled into a new city and still can't believe that I get to call New York home. I never imagined being so happy here and feeling so comfortable in such a short amount of time. It still feels exhilarating every day that I get to spend here.

I quit a job that I once dreamed of having. It in turn made me realize that you always have a choice to walk away from something if you are not happy. And it also made me take a chance on myself. I had no plan B and although it terrified me, I knew that my happiness was worth the risk. Even through other's doubts and questions of my next move, I realized that sometimes in life you are allowed to not have a plan. You do not owe anything to anyone. But you do owe yourself, everything!

I closed the door to my past for the last time. The classic story of too little to late. He would say "I'm sorry" and ask for me to come back and all I could do was say "I can't". Even though I know I will never love anyone as much as I loved him. I know I could never allow myself to go back. I used to not be that strong and would have done anything to let him back in my life but this time was different because well, I was different. 

I removed toxic people from my life, met new friends and even reconnected with old ones. I definitely believe everyone holds a purpose in your life no matter how long or short lived. However, life is so much better when you have the right people to share it with. And I am lucky to have such amazing family & friends in my life. I would not be the person I am without them. 

Most of all I learned to trust the journey. And by far the best lesson of 2015! You may not be exactly where you think you should be but trust me you are exactly where you are supposed to be. It's the moments that we often forget to enjoy because we are so focused on what comes next. So, as we welcome 2016 and a NEW YEAR ahead, my hope is for you to enjoy the moments along the way. The rest will fall into place. 

CHEERS to 2016! And thank you for following my journey!


XO,  Rae


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Living in New York has made me realize a few things about myself. I am way more comfortable now outside of my comfort zone than I have ever been before. New York exposes you to so much just in every day life. You are constantly surrounded by people. It's true, your personal space is pretty nonexistent most of the time. From crowded streets, subway stations and even grocery stores. But the good thing is that you have a lot more chances of meeting some amazing people. Everyday is like a new experience filled with new opportunities.

I have also learned to embrace change head on. Change used to be something that made me feel anxious and I often avoided it. I've had a lot of change in my childhood and I think that essentially made me fearful of change in my adult life.  

I have settled into the city and adapted to my new life pretty well in the past 8 months. Moving in general can be overwhelming but moving to New York adds a whole new level. Smaller space, roommates, no car, public transportation, longer work hours....the list goes on. All of which seem somewhat normal to me now. I LOVE living here in the city and for once I welcome the change that comes with it.

Fear of failure is also something I'm learning to let go of. I no longer want to say "what if." I want to live the life envision for myself and put my fears aside. It can be scary to chase dreams. But I think having regrets is scarier.  I would rather say that I tried and failed than have never tried at all. I'm learning that the journey is more important than the end result. I created this blog to document my journey here in New York. But also, in hopes that women can relate to the honesty of embracing your thirties and reinventing yourself. In addition, I am writing a book based on my life experiences, relationships, friendships and lessons learned. My goal is to one day publish the book. 

I guess you can say New York has changed me. Or maybe it's that I've allowed myself to be more open to this experience. Either way, I'm so grateful for the growth.


XO, Rae