This month marks my FIVE year anniversary of living in New York City. On October 9th, 2014, I was sitting in a packed SUV of my belongings en route to New York to begin a new chapter. As my best friend, my Mom and I drove those very long 16 hours, I remember having so many emotions. At 3am October 10th, 2014, I crossed over the George Washington Bridge in Manhattan and I knew then, everything was about to change.
Honestly, when I moved here, I only set out to live here for a year. And then without hesitation each year turned into the next. The fact that I actually get to call this city (home), is still very surreal to me. New York is one of those cities that will change you from the moment you arrive. For me, it’s been by far the best decision I’ve ever made. I can honestly say that I have never had a moment of regret being here. I know New York City isn’t for everyone and I respect that. But for many of us, we feel most alive here. And even in New York’s chaos, there is so much beauty within.
In celebration of my 5 year anniversary, I enlisted the help of my friend and photographer Lauren Lucile and did the most EXTRA photoshoot in the middle of Central Park. My vision was really just to portray the love affair that I have with New York City.
Photography by Lauren Lucile Creative
A few thoughts on living in New York City:
You will constantly find yourself evolving here. Change is inevitable in the city, so you just learn to adapt as you go.
You eventually learn to live with less, especially living in a smaller space. I honestly don’t miss most of my stuff. In fact, 75% of everything I own is still in storage in Atlanta.
Friendships can be hard here. It took me awhile to have a solid group of core people I see regularly. Everyone is always busy, not to mention all going in different directions.
Speaking of friends, I definitely miss my closest girlfriends back in Atlanta! But luckily, our friendships have all stood the test of time and distance. In most cases, it actually has brought us closer together.
Everyone will want to visit you in NYC. I remember the first three years being non-stop with friends and family in town. But I loved every minute of it. There is something so special about seeing New York City through someone elses eyes for the first time.
Walking around the city and looking up at the skyline and bright lights still gives me all the feels. The energy here is something you have to experience for yourself in order to truly appreciate the magic of it.
I miss having a dishwasher & washer and dryer in my apartment. But honestly, you just learn to live without those luxuries. I’ve gotten really good at doing laundry often to keep the piles small and I usually wash dishes as I cook to lessen the aftermath.
YES! The city is ridiculously expensive. I mean, cocktails will set you back $14-$18 at most places. But it’s a small price to pay to have some of the best restaurants and entertainment all at your disposal.
Living with roommates is the norm here. Even in your 30’s. Unless you can afford to dish out $2,000-$3,000 in rent alone. Luckily I have the luxury of living with two of my best friends, so it feels more like family.
Although New York is home to millions of people, it can sometimes feel incredibly lonely. It’s important to remind yourself that you’re not alone and everyone has tough days here.
I feel like I’ve learned to enjoy my own company more and do things SOLO that I wouldn’t have necessarily done before living here. Some of my best memories over the years, have been times that I’ve explored the city on my own. Nobody even thinks twice about someone sitting at a bar, coffee shop or park alone. It’s actually kinda nice to be alone sometimes and take in the city.
You will forever be asked by people: “WHY DO YOU LIVE IN NEW YORK?!” And my reply: “Because New York City is the first place I’ve ever lived that has made me feel more like me than ever before. Also, I always look forward to returning no matter how often I leave.”
Honestly, I don’t know if New York will be my forever home, but I know that it feels like home for now. And I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for me. Cheers to another year in the BIG APPLE!