Happy Monday, y’all. While I don’t typically get political on my social platforms or the blog, I felt compelled this morning to share this with you all. This is just me sharing my opinion and outlook on this topic. And I appreciate the fact that I have a platform in which I can express that freely and openly.

Voting Day 2018

This morning while on the Subway, a young woman went to go sit in an empty middle seat between another woman and gentleman. The young lady took notice that the space was small and cramped, but she made eye contact with the gentleman first showing her interest in sitting in the seat and politely said '“excuse me” before taking the seat. The other woman already sitting next to the empty seat quickly scooted over as much as she could making room for the young lady. But the gentleman didn’t budge. As the young woman sat down in the empty seat, the gentleman quickly started to argue with her on why she would choose that seat seeing there was not much space. Another gentleman standing nearby covered in tattoos, looked at the young girl who took the seat, and said in disappointment “so much for chivalry”! He was in disbelief that the other gentleman was so reluctant to move slightly over to accommodate the young woman and he let his voice be heard. I immediately took notice how the young woman looked surprised that this stranger stood up for her. I have to admit, so was I. You see, on the outside you could easily assume that this rugged, tattoo covered guy was a bad guy or a tough guy and couldn’t have cared less about the woman trying to get a seat on the Subway. But it was in fact the complete opposite. I’m telling you this story because I think we all have been guilty of being too quick to judge others by their appearance or what we can only see on the surface. And you may be wondering, what’s the point of this story?

Well, tomorrow is a big day for our country as we head out to VOTE in the polls for the mid-term elections. And I encourage you all to look deeper into each candidate before you vote. Look at more than the color of their skin or their appearance. Look at more than the party they are representing. Look at who they are as a person. Ask yourself; Do you like the characteristics that they uphold? Ask yourself; Do they represent your morals and values? Ask yourself; Do they stand up for the rights you believe in? Ask yourself these questions without the opinions of others or the media or what you see at first glance. Because too often as humans we jump to conclusions without knowing all the facts or looking deeper. I was also reminded of this myself during my commute this morning. The simple truth is, we are all just trying to have a seat amongst our fellow Americans and want our voices to be heard.

I’m encouraging everyone to make an educated decision when it comes to VOTING in the polls tomorrow. You have a VOICE and it is powerful. Make sure to put it to good use tomorrow to speak up for what YOU believe in.

And if you’re needing more information on VOTING and which candidates are up for election. Head over to theSkimm to enter your information and receive a sample ballot for your area.

XO, Rae